Horse Trailer Essentials

Most people do not realize that a horse trailer matters to horse lovers almost as much as the homes that they live in. However, to protect our horses from potential harm, we go through some pretty extreme measures. To help you understand the importance of choosing only the best for your horse, here are a few things that we consider our horse trailer essentials.

What Makes a Top Rated Horse Trailer?

Maintaining A Horse TrailerSome of the best horse trailers feature horse vents so that the horse can get fresh air. They also have lighting and tack areas so that whether we are traveling to a show during the night or not, we can have easy access to our horses and everything that they need. We also like for our prize horses to be secure. We prefer individual stalls with horse ties that secure them to that area and gates on the outside that have a return spring latch on them.

It should also be easy to clean. We like putting hay inside the horse trailer for our horses to snack on or rest upon. If we venture out onto the road for a couple weeks and we are away from our pressure washers and other cleaning supplies, we still want to keep the inside clean for our horses. Admit it, we wouldn’t look going up at with a prize winning horse that smelled like rotten hay and other stuff.

Why Does It Matter?

If you are curious as to why it matters, consider for a moment the facts. If you have a race horse or a show horse that you treasure, you do not want to risk hurting them in any way. However, you still have to travel to the next race or show with them. If your horse is unsecured and uncomfortable in the trailer, you are taking a chance on that next curve in the road throwing them off balance. If they fall in the trailer and break their leg or get a sprain, you have vet bills to deal with and your horse will not be able to perform. You lose money and risk the life of your Kentucky Derby winner and the show horse that you have spent a lot of time with.

Our Comfort Counts as Well

Along with our horses, we are also a little spoiled. We like our horse trailer to double as living quarters for us. We want it to either be inside the horse trailer or have the horse trailer and our own separate RV. Inside of this area, we want the basic comforts of home such as a shower and a place to relax. If we are using an RV and a horse trailer, we like for it to have the best RV battery available to ensure that we reach our destination without fail.Horse Trailer Ramp

As far as horse trailer essentials go, there are not many things you can do with it, but we like to see a trailer that tries to achieve ultimate comfort for both us and our horses. It is the best way that we know of to thank our horses for their unique abilities.

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